The Shapes of Healing Work


Remote Psychotherapy

I sit with most of my clients in once or twice weekly 55-minute sessions online, from my home on Kauai’s North Shore. Many clients find that 90 minute sessions allow much needed extra space and time for safely deepening into their healing with my support and guidance. I work with Washington State residents in this way.

Fee: $160 per 55 minute session. $240 for 90 minute sessions. A sliding scale may be available. Financial sustainability is essential to your experience of safety in this deep work. Superbills are provided monthly for you to submit for OON benefits through your insurance.

Remote and in-person Somatic & Spiritual Coaching

I also offer somatic and spiritual coaching to help you clarify, embody, and strengthen your personal pathway to coming home to yourself. We work together in a state of mutual embodied presence. This work is eco-somatic, physical, and potentially transcendent, using awareness, contemplative practices, art, and sensation. Somatic Coaching is also a great complement to preparation for and integration of entheogenic and transpersonal experiences. This practice is available to clients located anywhere in the world.

Fee: $160 per 55 minute session. A sliding scale may be available.

Individual Intensives

Established clients may schedule in-person Somatic and Spiritual Coaching intensives with me here on Kauai. The duration and design of the intensive can be anywhere from four hours in one or a few days, up to multiple, longer sessions per day over two to four days. The shape of this work depends entirely on our responsive attunement to your evolving being, to create the conditions for change in your unique embodiment. It is my experience that the traditional container of regular, 55-minute sessions is often inadequate to the vulnerability and resourcing needs of the body, mind, and soul, as well as the need to orient to the healing relationship.

Fee: $160 per 60 minutes of session time. A sliding scale may be available.